Above: The new video version of “Kate Gosselin is a B*tch”

Above: The original version of the video I put out back in September 2009.

This blog is about the music video I made for my song, “Kate Gosselin is a B*tch” (Produced by K.K.O.F.)

Available on A.P.T.’s album, “Attack of the Obama Milli Remix Guy!” Now on iTunes – Click HERE!


Before I go into an explanation of the song and video, let me state this: I did a mini-blog about the creation of this song yesterday, along with about 5 other videos I’ve shot and posted on YouTube since September.

So why am I re-posting a more detailed blog for this particular song? Two reasons:

1. I made the original video back in September of 2009, and recently remixed the video a bit to coincide with Kate Gosselin being on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars.  Since the new video was made, it’s been getting HELLA views, and is starting to jump at the same rate that my “Obama Milli Remix” song did.  So, I figured it was worth going into more depth describing its creation.

2. I want people who surf Kate Gosselin’s name on the internet to be able to find this video in their search.  The more places I post it, the more hits I’ll get.  So now, if someone types in the words KATE GOSSELIN or DANCING WITH THE STARS, this blog will pop up!

Okay, onto the insights:


Kate Gosselin got divorced from her husband during the summer of 2009.  As the divorce was happening, the media took note of the fact that Jon was dating various women, and made Kate look like the poor victim of the divorce.

I watched all this coverage and thought to myself: “PUUUL-EEEEEEASE!!”

I don’t mean to sound like a “manist” (the male version of being a “feminist”), but I always hate it when the media makes the woman out to be the victim, and doesn’t shoulder any of the responsibility on her for what happened.  As much as they may have wanted to pin the whole divorce as being Jon’s fault, I clearly remember sitting through a marathon of “Jon and Kate Plus 8” shows during Thanksgiving of 2008 and seeing all the harsh words and actions Kate was dishing out to Jon.  I won’t go into too much detail, but suffice to say, there is MORE than enough evidence on tape of Kate emasculating her husband that would display MORE than enough reasons for him to want to (a) leave her as quickly as possible, and (b) find another girl to latch onto who would show him the attention he wanted.

Since everyone in the media was treating him like the “bad guy,” I figured I needed to make a statement defending Jon, and remind the world how much of a bitch Mrs. Gosselin actually was (and still is).

My man from the ATL, producer K.K.O.F. (http://www.kkof.wordpress.com) had sent me a gaggle of beats to use for my upcoming album (coming very, very soon).  I don’t remember if I wrote the song or picked the beat out first, but I liked the way the steel drums sounded on the beat and the bounce of it, so I  decided to run with it.

As for the song itself, I basically went through and reminded people of how bad Kate’s attitude was.  I mention watching the TV show and thinking she was crazy; the times she treated him like a kid; her lack of appreciation she showed when he tried to help (simply because he wasn’t doing it HER way); and so much more.

Some Interesting Song Tidbits:

1. The most important part of any song is the chorus.  It has to relay the thought of the song without being too complicated so that people will be able to easily chant it and get it stuck in their heads.  I’ve gotten very, VERY good at this.  I knew I didn’t want the chorus to be too wordy, and at first I was just going to say “Kate Gosselin is a biiiiiiiiiiitch” like it says in the song.  Then, I realized it would be more powerful if there was something else for people to chant.  Thus, I added the lines “You already know” and “She’s a crazy ho” and repeated them each 3 times at different parts of the chorus.

2. There’s a part in the song where I say: “…cause a mid-20s dude with 8 kids is CRAZY!”  Its been proven that men do much better raising kids if they start at a later age.  And that’s just with ONE kid – apparently, the more kids a man has, and the younger he is when he has them, the less stable of a father they are, and the more likely he is to divorce.

3. Another line I like is when I say: “…you can claim all day that Jon’s the bad guy in this.”  Realistically, a divorce occurs because BOTH parties are at fault – for the media and Kate to give all the blame to Jon is just darn ridiculous.


There are 2 versions of this video, both of which have most of the same elements.

After completing my “One-Song-a-Week” video project last year, I got tired of trying to think up different scenarios for my songs.  Finally, I thought to myself: “Hey… Soulja Boy got discovered posting up a video where all he did was dance in front of a camera – I don’t need no stinkin’ complicated concepts for my vids!”

So, whenever I would think of a song, I would either post up pictures, film myself sitting on my bed mouthing the words or, in the case of this video, both. I found some pics online of Jon and Kate that I could occasionally flash throughout the video, then recorded myself “performing” the song on my bed.

Of course, I didn’t want people watching the video to KNOW I was sitting on my bed, or that I was in my bedroom.  So, I made sure to move myself close to my iMAC camera (yes, I used my built-in computer camera to record this) and change the color in post – the white background was actually my bedroom wall!

I posted the original version of the video up in September, and as of last week it had gotten up to 4000+ views. I hadn’t thought about the song in a while, and after that video I had posted up quite a few others (most notably, my “Imma Let U Finish” video featuring Kanye West’s MTV rant as the chorus – video currently has 38,000 views) The last thing I did with the song was include it on my “Attack of the Obama Milli Remix Guy!” album, which I sent to iTunes that same month.

And man, oh man, am I glad I did THAT!

See, back in September, I had NO idea that, come March of 2010, Kate Gosselin would be one of the celebrities on “Dancing With The Stars.”  Nor did I know that she would be such a huge you-know-what to her instructor that people who may have disagreed with the sentiment of my song back in September 2009 were in full agreement with it after seeing her on the show.

But then, my friend Antwon posted a comment on my Facebook page that said:

You hit the nail on the head about a year ago: Kate Gosselin is a (insert bad word)….I watched DWTS, and she is too much to deal with…smh

I don’t actually watch “Dancing With the Stars” and had no idea what he was talking about.  So I went to YouTube.  And I saw the footage.  And I thought to myself: “Wow – it would be a GREAT idea to take this footage and mix some of it in with my ‘Kate Gosselin is a B*tch’ video!”

So, that’s what I did: I got the footage, cut up the juicy parts from the segment, added it into my video, and reposted it.

And now, not even a whole week later, it’s up to 3800 views as of this typing. And counting.

AAAAAND… the best part? The song’s already up on iTunes, so hopefully people will buy it as much as they’re still buying the “Obama Milli Remix,” which is a LOT!

Some Interesting Video Tidbits:

1. For the second video, I was going to paste the clips of Kate in, and have the music playing underneath.  However, the dialogue was just too darn good to not be heard as a result of music covering it up.  So, I went with the technique of stopping the song and playing the clips instead, except for the end (by which time everyone should know the chorus enough to where they know what’s being said underneath).

2. The “Beartoons” cartoon at the end – I found that while doing a search, and thought it was the perfect way to end the video.

3. In case you’re curious: yes, all three chorus shots are EXACTLY the same.  I did it one time, then cut and pasted it at each chorus part.  Why? ‘Cause I’m lazy, and didn’t feel like filming it 3 times, okay?!?

4. In the past, I was worried that people might not be able to hear what it is I’m saying. So, for this video, I added captions.  I wish I had done them in a different color, though: I did it in yellow, which works great.. until you get to the parts where there are people in the shot – then it gets kinda hard to read 😦

5. The sound quality on the first version of the video is actually better.  This is because, for the second video, I couldn’t find where I had saved the video on my hard drive, so I had to download it off YouTube and re-use it.  Not only does this slightly lower the video quality, but also the sound quality. Sorry 😦

That’s all for now – I’m glad the video is taking off! You can find it on iTunes courtesy of my “Attack of the Obama Milli Remix Guy!”album!
