Hey all!

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged on here, mostly ’cause I’ve been busy with a lot of different video projects and what not. However, I wanted to let you all know that I have been recording NEW material for a NEW mixtape, and it’s dropping in July!

This project is a collaboration between me and Kaptain Kutta. We’ve worked together on a few songs in the past, and all of my albums have featured songs where I rapped on his beats. He released a mixtape back in April, and once I heard it I started getting inspired to write verses… but not whole songs. So, I thought to myself, “hmmm… well, if you can’t think up whole songs, why not do a collaboration album with someone?” I hit him up, he was down to do it, and now we’re about 5 songs in!

Oh yeah – the title of the album is EPIC. It’s called… “MANIFEST DESTINY: The Takeover Mixtape!!”

Why the name choice? Well, those of you familiar with history know that “Manifest Destiny” was the name given to when the Europeans would go to different countries – under the guise of trying to better these new people with religion – and forcefully takeover their land and way of life. So, I thought it would be fun to play with that, and act as though this mixtape is me and Kaptain Kutta’s way of forcefully making our presence known and taking over the rap game. Plus, I haven’t heard anybody use it as an album title yet, so…. yay!

Anyway, I’ve been on a writing frenzy lately, averaging 1 to 2 verses a day. Writing songs is so much easier when you only have to think up either 1 verse or 1.5 verses and the occasional chorus. Even within that, though, there are plenty of ways to make a collabo album be creative, and so far we’ve been coming up with quite a few bangers that are sure to be knockin’ in your car speakers this summer!

“Manifest Destiny: The Takeover Mixtape” will be dropping in July – exact dates will be known soon!
